Saanich Jr B Hockey 2019/2010 Awards Banquet

On Saturday February 22nd, the Braves hosted the year end awards banquet at the Union Club of Victoria. The players, coaching staff, team management, sponsors, billet families and several family members all celebrated the accomplishments of the team over this past season.
Clay Cochrane, the Braves Broadcaster was the MC for the afternoon events, he did an amazing job, and threw in his Clay clunker awards, where he recognized multiple players for their season, each of these players even some game day staff were awarded with a special mini stick.
The afternoon also had a guest speaker Jessica Tuomela. Jessica is a vibrant woman who has had the opportunity to live life to the fullest…or perhaps, she’s managed to create those opportunities. A three time Paralympian, Jessica retired from competitive swimming in 2008 with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and eventually a Master’s degree in Social Work. Despite pouring her passion and determination once dedicated to sport into her education and full time employment, Jessica found it difficult to ignore the “fire in her belly” for competitive sport. In 2016, eight year into retirement, she returned to the international stage not in swimming, but in Para triathlon.
Not only did we present our awards, we thanked our many volunteers for everything they do for the team, as well as the Billet Families. We have been fortunate enough to have the Loucks family and Clarke family who have opened their home to a player this season.
Both the owners Ed Geric and Norm Kelly, spoke some special words and thanked all involved as well as congratulated the players. Coach Brent, Assistant Coaches Bruce and Kyle all spoke as well.
Our 20 year old players were also recognized for all of their successes with the team, as this will be their final appearance in the VIJHL. We wish nothing but the best to Jake Wilhelm, Evan Abgrall and Jarrod Lucoe.
Our Award Recipients were:
Top playoff Performer for the 2018/2019 Season, Sponsored by Norm Kelly Consulting, presented to Ryan Strange
Most Dedicated Volunteer Award, in Memory of John Bradford, presented to Laura Peltier
Student Athlete Award, Sponsored by Great Pacific Mortgage / Investment, presented to David Edgar (high school), Avery Hargitt (Post Secondary)
Iron Man Award (All 48 Games), Sponsored by Keg Steakhouse, present to Ryan Strange and Joe Stafford-Veale
Rookie of the Year, Sponsored by Mike Geric Construction Ltd, presented to Avery Hargitt
Leading Scorer, Dennis Ferrill Memorial, presented to Ryan Strange
Top Defenceman, Sponsored by Royal Lepage Realty, presented to Jake Wilhlem and Evan Abgrall
Most Improved Player, Sponsored by Country Grocer, presented to Robert Michetti, and Connor Svienson
Unsung Hero Award, Sponsored by Kal-lay Plumbing & Heating Ltd, presented to Jarrod Lucoe
MVP, Sponsored by Slegg Building Materials, presented to Jake Wilhelm and Evan Abgrall
Coaches Award, Sponsored by Elite Sports, presented to Ryan Strange and Joe Stafford-Veale
The team will now start the second part of the season, going into playoffs against Victoria Cougars. The series will begin on Thursday February 27th at Archie Browning Arena, puck drop at 7pm. Come out and cheer us on.