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Braves Stomp Panthers in Physical Affair 9-3

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The atmosphere at Pearkes Arena was full of tension to start this game. Both teams were very physical to start this game. With all the altercations, fights, and goals in this game there wasn’t a shortage of excitement for the fans.

The panthers started off the game with a screened power-play shot from the point which snuck by Mathieson. The Braves answered with three goals in the first. Brandon Barnes opened the scoring for the Braves on a rebound in front of the net which be banged home glove side. Next Brandon Fushimi scored another glove side goal on a nice wrist shot after skating to the middle of the zone in front. Evan Horvath found himself on the right side of an awkward redirection off the end glass which left him wide open in front of the net for an easy tap in goal. After one period the Braves led the Panthers 3-1

Quinn Miller opened the scoring in the second with a nifty dangle and carry into the Panther zone and a wrist shot through traffic. Next Nick Guerra had a similar goal after a nice carry into the Panther zone and carry past multiple defenders to create himself space for a wrist shot goal of his own. The Panthers answered back with a grindy goal after multiple chances in the Braves zone. After chance after chance eventually one went in. Later on Evan Horvath scored his second of the night after dashing to the front of the net and smacking home a one timer goal. Braves led 6-2 after two periods.

The Panthers opened the third with a goal when a Panther was left open and Mathieson couldn’t defend the lifted puck which went top shelf. Brandon Barnes answered that goal with his second of the night after a nice dangle past multiple defenders and sliding the puck glove side past the Panther netminder. Dale McCabe scored on a one timer from behind the net soon after. Garrick Heathcote took advantage of a Panther defensive mistake when they left the puck on the doorstep and Heathcote slammed it home. Braves win tonight’s game 9-3


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