Exciting News: Attention all Saanich Jr B Hockey Players & Families!

Attention all Saanich Jr B Hockey Players & Families
As mentioned in the overview document, the team has some exciting events planned for the players and families. These events are team building, meeting the other families, billets fun events that we are in hopes you will all be able to attend.
To start the season off, we have planned a fun, parents meet and greet weekend. With it commencing on Friday September 16th home game and then leading into our away game on Saturday 17th at Oceanside.
Meet & Greet (Friday September 16th, 2016 after the game)
- Players meal is paid for
- Parents, Billets, Family are encouraged to attend
- To take place at the Crooked Goose.
- Please let your player know if you are able to attend, as we need a general guideline on how many to reserve for.
- Parents, families, billers pay own tab, the players will have a meal bought for them.
*Admission will be $5.00 per person. We will be collecting admission prior to boarding the bus and you’ll be provided a wrist band upon arrival
As well as a great night of hockey, there will be a 50/50 draw, Program draws and a 2nd intermission event “Dunk a Duck”!
Parents Bus Road Trip (Saturday September 17th, 2016)
- Road Trip to Oceanside
- $10 per Adult on the bus & plus cost of ticket into the game (we are working on a deal)
- Restaurant Reservations will be made.
- Encourage all Parents, Billets to Attend
We request all families to pre-register for the bus event, and to please pre pay for your seat on the bus. Please do so by September 12th.